10 Websites To Start Off a Creative Day
10 Websites To Start Off a Creative Day
1st Stop - Sillicon Alley Insider
The first thing I want to do in the morning is to check what goes on in the most computer savvy town in the world. I love reading about the new and exciting startups and also the demise some companies will face due to ignorance and plain stupidity. This is a sure place to get your fix for all things brand new and how.
2nd Stop - Hacker News
After reading about the shape of our business the “Hacker” part of me needs it’s morning juice. This site concentrates on the more, let’s say, grass root news. It shares everything from bully news to song choice of the day. I love this site because it show how people actually think. How they react to the events of the computer industry and it’s million dollar failures and wins.
3rd Stop - ZDNet
To get a second opinion of things I switch back to the more “reality” based new again. This site shows you the “BIG” news. The news that will affect us all within the near future. It presents it’s news in a more serious light which gives yet another perspective to what’s going on in the industry.
4th Stop - Wired
All read up on the latest and greatest news I need a more in depth and “genre” based journalism. Who doesn’t know about Wireds interviews and gadget reporting. I just love a good fix of the in depth news they bring. Simply a great place for that little extra knowledge.
5th Stop - Gizmodo
Alright, we’re done with the news. We are all stocked up on the newest and hottest trends and some not so pleasant company closures. Time to feed the odd news pocket with some great micro-news. These guys always finds the odd things in the world and their reporting i great! A must have in any morning breakfast fix!
6th Stop - Mashable
Oh yeah, Mashable. A true and honest friend for all things Twitter and development. I love the variation of articles they have and the way they always get me interested in things I never thought I’d even care to use the energy to turn my eyes to. A great start in the morning and a great inspiration source for some new tips & tricks!
7th Stop - Favorite Website Awards
After smoothly going from serious news to the tips and tricks we can use everyday, I just have to check THE FWA. It’s a really well thought of website that awards the best Flash websites with a prestegious award EACH DAY! Every day the have a new website in the spotlight. And as a Flash website designer this is just the perfect place to keep yourself up to date with all the new trends. BUT, it’s not only for Flash developers. There are TONS of great websites in here with Awesome graphics so it’s a must for anyone that is working with design, any genre!
8th Stop - Design Float
Well, who doesn’t know of Design float. It’s the greatest and most useful place to start off your day. PLENTY of links to the most useful things, any category. Everything from programming to simple tutorials in Photoshop. It’s just a lovely place to start off the creative process.
9th Stop - CG Society
Coming to the end of the list it’s important, at least for me, to get my brain started up on some eye goodies. Something that will get my brain going in a sense of graphic splendour! CG Society have everything you’ll ever need as far as Graphic Inspiration. Everything from behind the scenes interviews to a GREAT 3D forum gallery where you can rate an check out some of the worlds best 3D designers. This is a fuel up for sure! For anyone!
10th Stop - Wimp
All stocked up on news, tips & tricks and graphical inspiration it’s time to end this list with some fun. We all know that working in design can be tedious and boring if things doesn’t come out the way you intended them to. Or if the client simply keeps changing his mind over and over again. Wimp will is sure to put a smile on your face. They present the latest and greatest videos of people doing incredible stunts or just plain in depth documents of things currently happening in the world. Only downside with this link is that it’s WAY to addicting!
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